Why Natural Church Development?

Healthy organisms grow and thrive, unhealthy organisms wilt and die. When we appreciate that a church functions as a very sophisticated organism, it becomes clear that health is paramount to church growth and development. NCD illustrates where your time, treasure and talent would be best spent to invest in health.

Natural Church Development is based on the single largest research project into church health world-wide. It has involved over 100,000 churches across all denominations and continues to grow today. For more information about the research that went into this project, see the NCD Handbook.

The NCD church survey will identify your strengths and assets in addition to recognising the areas of weakness that are most limiting you right now. This ensures that you are always spending your time on the area of most need.

The results of our research reveal 8 quality characteristics that affect church health. These principles are relevant whether you are a mega church, medium-sized church or even a small house group. They are relevant to new churches and well established churches alike. These principles are accessible and provide a clear picture of where to invest effort.

The 8 quality characteristics are:

The 8 essential qualities do not tell you how you should lead your church. Sorry, but that’s your job. They inform your thinking providing direction that will promote church health, without determining the style, theological persuasion or specific mission of your church. We believe you should be empowered to increasingly become the church that you desire to experience, and God created you to be.

Have a look at the NCD process for next steps. We do not just point you in the right direction and set you off on your own. We provide a full range of resources, training and coaching available to help you reach your goals, and you will find details of these in the resources tab.


NCD UK now part
of NCD UK & Canada

Bill Bickle

Bill Bickle is NCD’s National Partner responsible for both countries since June 2023 after Lynn Chetcuti’s retirement. You can go directly to the NCD UK & Canada site at https://fordelm.com, Bill’s website for all things NCD. You’ll find what you need to get going in the 8 Quality Characteristics, the Trinitarian Compass, the Energy Trilogy, the NCD Church Survey, the NCD Change Cycle and the books & resources in the 3 Color Discipleship Series now known as Natural Character Development.

If you experience any issues with the new arrangements or processes, please be in touch directly with Bill at bill@ncd-uk.com or bill@fordelm.com